Welcome to
Tails Veterinary Clinic
The traditional role of a health care provider in a community is to provide easy access to quality care. This is our main mission. It is very Important. We are focused on getting an animal and its owner in front of a veterinarian as soon as possible.
What We Do
Main Services
Analizele de sange ajuta medicii veterinari sa determine cu acuratete, in siguranta si cu rapiditate cauzele bolilor, si le permit sa monitorizeze progresul tratamentelor medicamentoase. Este foarte important pentru sanatatea animalelor de companie ca orice stapan sa inteleaga recomadarile medicilor. Aceste analize trebuie efectuate anual dupa ce animalele de companie implinesc varsta de 5 ani si ulterior dupa ce depasesc…
In cadrul clinicii veterinare se pot efectua diferite manopere chirurgicale de necesitate sau elective. Osteosinteza Rezectie cap femural Amputare membru Amputare pinteni Reducere luxatii Fixare externa(bandaj gipsat) Fixatori externi Codotomie in scop terapeutic Tenorafie Artrodeza Scos placuta/tija/brosa
Love Your Pet
Taking Care Of Your Pet
When you choose the veterinarians at Tails Veterinary Clinic to be your
pet care partner, you can be assured your pet is receiving the most advanced
veterinary care from experienced pet care providers.
Visit Animal Volunteer Page
We are always looking to add new volunteers to our organization.
Wellness Plans
Pets should be dewormed at 2,4,6,and 8 weeks with Pyrantel Pamoate. Also every pet should be checked for worms on their initial visit regardless of their deworming schedule.
Pets should be dewormed at 2,4,6,and 8 weeks with Pyrantel Pamoate. Also every pet should be checked for worms on their initial visit regardless of their deworming schedule.
Pets should be dewormed at 2,4,6,and 8 weeks with Pyrantel Pamoate. Also every pet should be checked for worms on their initial visit regardless of their deworming schedule.
Pets should be dewormed at 2,4,6,and 8 weeks with Pyrantel Pamoate. Also every pet should be checked for worms on their initial visit regardless of their deworming schedule.
Latest News
7 Summer Settings Dog Owners Should Avoid
Ligula augue, praesent viverra, congue condimentum vel, erat molestias lobortis, elementum lacus urna. Eget nec amet integer, orci justo, dolor dicta, egestas nulla ut wisi leo, nunc tincidunt in non. Ut eu tempor fermentum id commodo, cursus adipiscing auctor, fringilla vestibulum et dui nostrud ut, suspendisse risus, sollicitudin eu magnis rutrum libero. Vehicula nullam vestibulum. Ligula imperdiet non eu cum…
Heartworm: One Bite, One Infection, That’s Enough
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